TSyringe on Deno

This repository shows how to use Microsoft's tsyringe on Deno, applying a DDD architecture style.

Concepts explained

  1. Import maps and Deno-friendly CDNs.
  2. Deno Configuration file.
  3. Settings for Deno extension on Visual Studio Code.
  4. Usage of tsyringe library.
  5. Implementation of an DDD Clean Architecture Boilerplate.

Codebase Structure

├── src
    └── application         # Layer that composes application use cases
        ├── commands        # Folder that includes the command-kind use cases
        └── queries         # Folder that includes the query-kind use cases
    ├── domain              # Business domain classes and everything that composes domain model
    └── infrastructure      # Communication with what is external of application
        └── repositories    # Connects with external data sources or services
└── test                    # Testing codebase


  1. Clone or download this repository
  2. Run deno --allow-env mod.ts.
  3. The application should finish successfully without prompting messages other than the Download messages sent by Deno.


To test this codebase, once you've already downloaded or cloned the repository, run:

deno test --allow-env