
Vorschlag: questionnaires.csv / instruments.csv

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Datei: questionnaires.csv / instruments.csv

Die Datei instruments.csv soll folgende Spalten enthalten:

study, name, label, label_de, description, description_de, analysis_unit, period


study name label label_de description description_de analysis_unit period
soep-core soep-core-2017-e1 Mother and Child (Newborns) 2017 Mutter und Kind (Neugeborene) 2017 h 2017


    - name: study
      title: Foreign key to Study
      type: string
      format: default
        required: true
        maxLength: 255

    - name: name
      title: Name of the Instrument
      type: string
      format: default
        required: true
        maxLength: 255

    - name: label
      title: Label of the Instrument (English)
      type: string
      format: default

    - name: label_de
      title: Label of the Instrument (German)
      type: string
      format: default

    - name: description
      title: Description of the Instrument (Markdown, English)
      type: string
      format: default

    - name: description_de
      title: Description of the Instrument (Markdown, German)
      type: string
      format: default

    - name: analysis_unit
      title: Foreign key to AnalysisUnit
      type: string
      format: default

    - name: period
      title: Foreign key to Period
      type: string
      format: default

    - study
    - name

Die Datei kommt als "questionnaires.csv". Das Objekt im System heißt dann aber "Instrument". Können wir die Datei in "instruments.csv" umbenennen?