
The behavior of bn.binancedownload(freq=:daily) is strange.

Closed this issue · 3 comments

The behavior of freq=:daily is strange in three ways:

  • It overwrites existing data instead of appending to it.
  • It downloads the oldest data instead of the most recent data.
  • It can only download just over a year of data, rather than the entire history.

expect to do

# Download monthly data up until the previous month.
bn.binancedownload("eth", market=:data, freq=:monthly, kind=:klines)

# Download daily data to complete the data for this month.
bn.binancedownload("eth", market=:data, freq=:daily, kind=:klines)

# After the two steps, we should get the most complete historical data possible.

actually happen

freq==:monthly  # Mission accomplished successfully,  from 2017-08-17 to 2024-05-31
freq==:daily  #overwrite above with  data from 2017-08-17 to 2018-12-29

btw, the parameter freq=:monthly is unnecessary for bn.binanceload, because data from both parameter are saved to tf_1m.

can you try now? 3d93445

A new issue was discovered during testing.

julia> ] activatie Scrapers

julia> using Scrapers: Scrapers as scr, BinanceData as bn

julia> bn.binancedownload("eth", market=:data, freq=:monthly, kind=:klines)
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching haskey(::Base.Generator{Base.Iterators.Filter{Lang.var"#7#9"{…}, Base.Pairs{…}}, Lang.var"#6#8"}, ::Symbol)

Closest candidates are:
  haskey(::Base.TTY, ::Symbol)
   @ Base ttyhascolor.jl:25
  haskey(::Pkg.Types.Manifest, ::Any)
   @ Pkg ~/.julia/juliaup/
  haskey(::StructTypes.SubTypeClosure, ::Symbol)
   @ StructTypes ~/.julia/packages/StructTypes/AK4aM/src/StructTypes.jl:589

 [1] binancedownload(syms::Vector{…}; zi::Data.ZarrInstance{…}, quote_currency::String, reset::Bool, kwargs::@Kwargs{…})
   @ Scrapers.BinanceData /opt/opensource/jl/PingPong.jl/Scrapers/src/binance.jl:259
 [2] binancedownload(args::String; kwargs::@Kwargs{market::Symbol, freq::Symbol, kind::Symbol})
   @ Scrapers.BinanceData /opt/opensource/jl/PingPong.jl/Lang/src/module.jl:284
 [3] top-level scope
   @ REPL[12]:1
Some type information was truncated. Use `show(err)` to see complete types.

pull 837dd and test again, everything's working as expected, great!

# Download data up to last month
julia> bn.binancedownload("eth", market=:data, freq=:monthly, kind=:klines) 
# Download last data  in this month and append to above
julia> bn.binancedownload("eth", market=:data, freq=:daily, kind=:klines) 
# We got the full data from the beginning to yesterday 
julia> bn.binanceload("eth", market=:data, kind=:klines) 
Data.PairData("ETHUSDT_data_klines", "1m", 3605519×6 DataFrame
     Row │ timestamp            open     high     low      close    volume
         │ DateTime             Float64  Float64  Float64  Float64  Float64
       12017-08-17T04:01:00   301.13   301.13   301.13   301.13     2.75787
       22017-08-17T04:02:00   300.0    300.0    300.0    300.0      0.0993
       32017-08-17T04:03:00   300.0    300.0    300.0    300.0      0.31389
       42017-08-17T04:04:00   301.13   301.13   301.13   301.13     0.23202
       52017-08-17T04:05:00   300.0    301.13   300.0    301.13     0.75705
       62017-08-17T04:06:00   300.1    300.1    300.1    300.1      0.90018
       72017-08-17T04:07:00   300.1    300.1    300.1    300.1      0.0
       82017-08-17T04:08:00   300.1    300.1    298.0    298.0      0.31493
       92017-08-17T04:09:00   298.0    298.0    298.0    298.0      0.0
      102017-08-17T04:10:00   298.0    298.0    298.0    298.0      0.0
      112017-08-17T04:11:00   298.0    298.0    298.0    298.0      0.0
      122017-08-17T04:12:00   298.0    298.0    298.0    298.0      0.0
      132017-08-17T04:13:00   298.0    298.0    298.0    298.0      0.0
 36055072024-06-24T23:47:00  3355.79  3356.37  3355.21  3355.62   435.85
 36055082024-06-24T23:48:00  3355.61  3355.62  3355.55  3355.56   807.622
 36055092024-06-24T23:49:00  3355.56  3357.76  3355.55  3356.84  1078.05
 36055102024-06-24T23:50:00  3356.88  3357.33  3355.55  3355.55   233.154
 36055112024-06-24T23:51:00  3355.56  3362.41  3354.13  3362.21  1494.04
 36055122024-06-24T23:52:00  3362.21  3363.18  3358.8   3362.54   936.479
 36055132024-06-24T23:53:00  3362.55  3362.55  3357.26  3357.26   452.129
 36055142024-06-24T23:54:00  3357.26  3359.68  3357.2   3358.79   315.136
 36055152024-06-24T23:55:00  3358.79  3358.8   3355.21  3355.21   351.497
 36055162024-06-24T23:56:00  3355.21  3356.8   3354.26  3354.27   275.629
 36055172024-06-24T23:57:00  3354.27  3354.27  3352.87  3352.88   179.285
 36055182024-06-24T23:58:00  3352.88  3353.39  3351.51  3351.72   151.901
 36055192024-06-24T23:59:00  3351.71  3353.24  3351.3   3352.73   209.344
                                                           3605493 rows omitted, ZArray{Float64} of size 3605519 x 6)