[Question] How to display one song?
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First of all, great thanks for this project - it helps a lot to know about MVC for such beginners as I am.
Maybe this question is too simple, but my current knowledge of PHP doesn't let to solve it by myself.
So, if you call http://example.com/mini/songs/ the script calls the index method of the songs controller.
What should I do to get the page like http://example.com/mini/songs/1 (where song with id=1 will be displayed)?
I suppose that in this case I need another method in the songs controller. But how to pass the id to this method? Probably it should be done in core/application.php?
I will be very grateful for the answers. Pieces of code are welcome :)
adjusted index
public function index( $songID = 0)
if ( ( $songID = (int)$songID) > 0) {
// then $songID must not be zero
// so tell them all about song number one - something like
$song = $this->model->getSong( $songID);
// load views. within the views we can echo out $songs and $amount_of_songs easily
require APP . 'view/_templates/header.php';
require APP . 'view/songs/songview.php';
require APP . 'view/_templates/footer.php';
else {
// getting all songs and amount of songs
$songs = $this->model->getAllSongs();
$amount_of_songs = $this->model->getAmountOfSongs();
// load views. within the views we can echo out $songs and $amount_of_songs easily
require APP . 'view/_templates/header.php';
require APP . 'view/songs/index.php';
require APP . 'view/_templates/footer.php';
Thanks a lot!
But everything what I've got is the Problem page...
Seems that song ID is detected as action but doesn't have proper method.
Below there is data from debug mode.
Controller: songs
Action: deletesong
Parameters: Array ( [0] => 3 )
Controller: songs
Action: 4
Parameters: Array ( )
I think your right there - you have to go to a function - so like the deletesong example
i.e. http://localhost/mini/songs/viewsong/3