is a JQuery plugin to display sleek, instant notifications, confirmations or prompts inside a given element.
You can install overhang through npm:
$ npm install overhang
or through bower:
$ bower install overhang
Alternatively, you can download the files in the dist/
folder manually.
Include a reference to the latest version of jQuery and jQuery UI.
<script type="text/javascript" src="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.4/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.10.4/jquery-ui.min.js"></script>
Include references to the Javascript and CSS files.
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="dist/overhang.min.css" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="dist/overhang.min.js"></script>
has 3 primary features - notifications, prompts and confirmations. Most of the options are customizable for all of these features.
This is the type of the notification that you want to display.
The preset types are success
, error
, warn
, info
, prompt
and confirm
If you would like to use a custom theme, leave this parameter blank and follow the rules for setting a custom theme.
custom: true, // Set custom to true
primary: "#34495E", // Your custom primary color
accent: "#F4B350" // Your custom accent color
- The background color of the alert.
- The bottom border color.
If you want to display either a prompt or confirmation alert, set the type to prompt
or confirm
, respectively. Prompts and confirmations both have preset themes, but you can customize them by using the custom
The color of the text. The default is set to white.
The message to be displayed in your alert.
The duration in seconds to show the alert for. The default is 1.5
The speed to drop and raise the alert in milliseconds. The default is set to 500
Set this to true if you would like the user to have to close the alert rather than it disappearing by itself. The default is set to false
Set this to true if you would like your message in all uppercase letters. The default is set to false
JQuery UI easing option for the drop effect. The default is set to "easeOutBounce"
// Some error notification
type: "error",
message: "You could not be logged in at this time.",
closeConfirm: "true"
When using prompts, all you need to do is set the type
parameter to "prompt"
// Some prompt notification
type: "prompt",
message: "What is your name"
When using confirmations, there are additional options that you can customize.
This is the text on the "true" button that would to display. The default is set to "Yes"
This is the text on the "false" button that would to display. The default is set to "No"
This is the color of the "true" button. The default is set to "#2ECC71"
This is the color of the "false" button. The default is set to "#E74C3C"
// Some confirmation
type: "confirm",
yesMessage: "Yes please!",
noMessage: "No thanks."
The prompt
and confirm
features both allow you to get data from the user. The responses are stored as data in the DOM of the target element that overhang.js
has been applied to.
To retrieve the data you would use jQuery like this:
// From a prompt
// From a confirmation (either true or false)
If the user has not yet given a response, the default values will be set to null
The option callback argument is a function that will run once the user has made an action on the overhang notification. The callback will run after any of these cases:
- The submission of a prompt
- The selection on a confirmation
- The close button on a normal notification with a true
- The raise of a normal notification
Note: For confirmations or prompts, the callback will not run when the close button is clicked and nothing is selected.
type: "confirm",
message: "Are you sure?",
// This code will run once an option is clicked.
callback: function () {
var selection = $("body").data("overhangConfirm");
alert("You made your selection of " + selection);