
Review Meeting details

Closed this issue · 8 comments

This issue is to clarify details for the review meeting to take place around month 18 of project execution.

1st detail to clarify with our project officer is : What is the exact date for the Review Meeting?
If no exact date can be provided, at least a confirmed range of dates would be helpful, the smaller the range the better.

Unrelated to this issue, Andy could ask our Project Officer whether PaNOSC can sponsor events that attends as well

The exact date of the virtual (remote participation only) is fixed for the 16 June (whole day).

We will probably use zoom as the platform.

Some ideas for a schedule to start the discussion:

  1. Welcome - PO + PC
  2. PaNOSC overview - Andy (20')
  3. Project management review - Jordi (30')
  4. Data Policy - Andy (20')
  5. Common search API definition + demo - 40'
  6. Data Services progress and demo - 90'
  7. Simulation services progress and demo - Carsten + Juncheng (60')
  8. Connecting to EOSC - Jean-Francois+EGI+GÉANT (40')
  9. Training platform progress and demo - Thomas (40')
  10. PaNOSC sustainability - Ornela (20')
  11. PaNOSC communications - Nicoletta (30')

The exact date of the virtual (remote participation only) is fixed for the 17 June (whole day).

Did you mistype? 17th June is Wednesday (JF Perrin not available) and we did agree on Tuesday16th June.
I will reference this issue from the meeting agendas that are focused on the Review Meeting.

Sorry my mistake - I meant 16 June 2020 ! I have corrected it.

Doodle status as of 22/04 for the rehearsal:


Draft WP4 presentation for rehearsal meeting: WP4-intro-fangohr.pptx

Draft WP1 presentation

As of 04/09/2020 we are still awaiting feedback, however the meeting went well