Mentors can find kids
Closed this issue · 1 comments
panterch commented
There's a new page "Find kids" for the mentors in state "Zusage".
The liste shows about the kids:
- Wohnort
- Distance from Wohnort to Wohnort of Mentor
- Klassenstufe
- Geschlecht
- Available times
The page displays kids for the mentor:
- that do not have a primary mentor assigned yet
- for male mentors: male kids
- for female mentors: male and female kids
panterch commented
- there is "Available times" column, what should be content of this? Is this already used somewhere?
It's a field that you only see when you access the site_admin under /site/edit and set "Stundenplan aktivieren" to checked.
Then the field is displayed:
Please also guard the column in the view that it is only shown when "Stundenplan aktivieren" is checked.
- in column "Geschlecht", there should be symbols ('♂', '♀') or something else?
Yes, same as in the kids/_form: