
Edges with same source and target rendered as a star instead of an edge?

pvillads opened this issue · 1 comments

I have a situation where nodes commonly have references to themselves (like nodes representing methods with edges representing calls: Recursive methods then have calls pointing to themselves). In such cases, instead of the vertex (showing a label, like "Calls" in this example) I just see a star in the top left corner of the node. That throws away a lot of information. How do I get to see the self-pointing vertex properly?

Another example where this is indispensable is a state machine. Many states will transition onto themselves, and may be multiple such self-loops for a particular state

Best Regards

Peter Villadsen

Hi, there's quite lazy implementation for self looped edges as I haven't come up with a good implementation idea at the time. You can look for PART_SelfLoopedEdge in the EdgeControl template to be able to modify the look of the self looped edge.