
Title Abbreviations

LandonSchropp opened this issue · 0 comments

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Expected behavior 😸

When title casing an abbreviation, I would expect the abbreviation to be preserved.

voca.titleCase("HTML is Awesome") // => "HTML is Awesome!"
voca.titleCase("JS is Cool") // => "JS is Cool"

I expect Voca's titleCase function to respect all title rules. Maybe this warrants a separate function or an additional option?

Actual behavior 😿

Instead, Voca converts these words

voca.titleCase("HTML is Awesome") // => "Html is Awesome!"
voca.titleCase("JS is Cool") // => "Js is Cool"

Steps to reproduce 👷

Call the functions as described above.

Technical details: 🔧

Browser/OS type: macOS 10.15.3
Node version: 13