
show photos grouped by spatial position

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Reading photosp' gps data, I want to show them clustered by position.

I want to have various levels of clustering, say 10m, 200m, 4km. Each cluster level will group all the photos that have each other that maximum distance. I'll then have an option with the array of the distances.

When all the photos have been processed, I work on those having gps data. Start from the smaller distance. Start from any image, and for every other image, put in the same group if the new image is closer than the distance from any of the group. If the new image isn't close to any image of the group, begin a new group

After clustering with a distance, calculate the mean position of every cluster, and than group the clusters the same way as said for the images, and so on with the bigger distances

In JS, work as with dates: with a photo with gps data, give the user the chance so see all the photos in the smaller spatial cluster, and from there, permit passing to bigger ones

Working on it on development branch

wrong strategy, the correct one is to get geonames from and organizing photos by country/region-state/place

A problem is that there may be many many many photos resultin tied to the same place.

When a place album would become too big, it must be split into smaller ones:

groups images according to a given distance, and half that distance until the size of the biggest group is less than a reasonable value
