
Suggestion: Menu items for standalone AVD & SDK managers

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I like that this package sets up an Ubuntu menu item for Android Studio. It'd be nice if it could also do that for the standalone SDK & AVD manager programs. I use these often, so I wound up manually setting up menu items for them:

SDK standalone: ~/Android/Sdk/tools/android sdk
AVD standalone: ~/Android/Sdk/tools/android avd

I also extracted icons for the menu items, from /opt/android-studio/plugins/android/lib/android.jar:


It's been a while since I installed, but I think the SDK installation was done by Android Studio on my first launch, which placed it into that ~/Android location by default. So, it may be tricky to set up those menu items because they wouldn't work until after the user has manually carried out that step. But it'd be cool if you could somehow make this work. :)