
A recipe app

Primary LanguageJavaScript



The project has more endpoints but in order to deliver one that is working the only endpoints needed for the succeed completition are

  • Resources for recipe
    • get all recipes
    • get recipe by id
    • patch recipe by id
    • delete recipe by id
  • Resources for cook
    • get all cooks
    • get cook by id
    • update cook by id
    • delete cook by id

The relationship between cook and recipes are one to many. One cook can have many recipes

The limited time was a barrier to continues into more complex system. I also created a react SPA so you can interact with the backend localy.

Authentication login url


Authentication logout url


Heroku deployment url



I always wanted to create a recipe app, since I think is something usefull for everyone nowadays. I want to expand this idea and make it more complete app that I will deploy for both backend and frontend It is an app that I would like to have therefore I want to build it

Documenting API

  • A get request to /api/recipe will return all the recipes
  • A get request to /api/recipe/<id> will return the recipe with this specific id
  • A patch request to /api/recipe/<id> will update this specific recipe
  • A delete request to /api/recipe/<id> will delete this specific recipe
  • A get request to /api/cook will return all the cooks
  • A get request to /api/cook/<id> will return a cook with this specific id
  • A patch request to /api/cook/<id> will update this specific cook details
  • A delete request to /api/cook/<id> will delete this specific cook