
Create contribution guide

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Create contribution guide

any chance for this moving ahead?

I think the docs needs to be improved in many ways to help people use this .

@OlivierJM I think React version hasn't been updated for a year or so right now. Fancy making a pull request to help us? 👍

I liked papercss a lot, I am not good with css but I can help out with react components and documentation.
I think I will start out with the docs, this will also help me to get started, feel free to let me know any helpful info.

I've used react-styleguidist for component libraries before for documentation and really like it. This (or a similar) project might be a good place to start for generating interactive docs.

Thanks for pointing out, that should help, still getting few things out, I will let you all know when I start on this, I am excited on this one.

I would like to work on this in my free time but I would need guidance as I progress.

Thank you,

I will be letting you know when I need help, I also don't have much free time but I am sure I can learn a lot while doing this.