- 0
- 8
#90 opened by mattclar - 2
- 11
Can't start remote_syslog
#6 opened by zmsmith - 6
- 4
Recent commits to servolux break this gem
#89 opened by miketheman - 10
Recommended rewrite in Go
#77 opened by pkieltyka - 10
Anyone keen to rewrite this in Golang?
#83 opened by geekpete - 25
- 9
init script gives error on start
#87 opened by pdeva - 1
Can't process logrotate properly when use the copytruncate option on the logrotate
#85 opened by roamin9 - 5
- 4
remote_syslog 1.6.14 keeps old logfiles open
#70 opened by rolandkool - 0
Log all error events by default
#78 opened by leonsodhi - 7
Rails Logfile, newlines are converted to <13>
#74 opened by rbosch - 7
Constant 3-5% CPU usage per process
#73 opened by mnapoli - 0
- 3
Specify Different Facility Per Logfile
#65 opened by MattMencel - 5
- 3
Compression option
#63 opened by Rylon - 3
- 2
is there a way to filter out some strings?
#64 opened by dcu - 1
max_message_size = 1024 for UDP - why?
#68 opened by rtoma - 5
Memory leak?
#44 opened by mkdynamic - 1
- 0
Catch exceptions from YAML parser
#60 opened by leonsodhi - 2
Support on windows
#57 opened by lfurrea - 5
- 2
wrapped log lines don't respect hostname setting
#43 opened by kranzky - 2
Development status?
#46 opened by omares - 0
- 6
Provide a way to override program names per file
#17 opened by eric - 2
How do I use the copytruncate option?
#52 opened by anujbiyani - 1
- 0
Replace eventmachine-tail dependency
#50 opened by eric - 2
- 4
- 3
segfault / unhandled eventmachine exception
#36 opened by scottbessler - 1
Ability to exclude files
#37 opened by scottbessler - 1
tls option does not verify cert
#20 opened by oreoshake - 1
Add -v argument to show version
#32 opened by troy - 1
- 2
Openssl segfaults
#34 opened by noverloop - 0
Detect and report failure to write PID file
#26 opened by troy - 18
cant start remote_syslog as root on ubuntu 11.10
#25 opened by okossuth - 6
- 0
tls option forces UDP
#21 opened by oreoshake - 1
Grand Unification Proposal
#15 opened by jordansissel - 5
- 5
Can't start remote syslog
#11 opened by rkeiii