OMNI-BOT - A Python Multi-Functional Application OMNI-BOT is a Python application that provides users with a diverse set of functionalities, including calculation, FLAMES score calculation, text-to-image generation, translation, PDF operation, and weather app. It has been developed from scratch and is visually appealing with error handling. It also has documentation to guide the users through each feature effectively.
Features Calculator: Perform arithmetic operations with a user-friendly interface. FLAMES: Predict relationships between names in a playful manner. Text-to-Image Generation: Convert text into creative images effortlessly. Translation: Translate text between different languages with ease. PDF Operations: Merge, split, and manipulate PDF files efficiently. Weather App: Display current weather information for any location.
How to : just download the py files into the same folder. Then run the file . That's all!! Usage To use OMNI-BOT, you will need to interact with it through its graphical user interface (GUI). The GUI is divided into six tabs, each of which corresponds to one of OMNI-BOT's functionalities:
- Calculator: The calculator tab allows you to perform simple and complex mathematical calculations.
- FLAMES score: The FLAMES score tab allows you to calculate the FLAMES score between two names.
- Text-to-image generator: The text-to-image generator tab allows you to generate images from text.
- Translator: The translator tab allows you to translate text from one language to another.
- PDF operator: The PDF operator tab allows you to perform basic PDF operations, such as merging, splitting, and encrypting PDF files.
- Weather app: The weather app tab allows you to get current weather information for any location.
Dependencies OMNI-BOT depends on the following Python packages: Python (version 3.6 or later) Tkinter (a Python GUI library) NumPy (a Python library for scientific computing) Pillow (a Python library for image processing) Google Translate API (a REST API for translating text between languages) PyPDF2 (a Python library for PDF manipulation)
--> Contributing: OMNI-BOT is an open-source project, and we welcome contributions from anyone. If you would like to contribute to OMNI-BOT, please fork the repository on GitHub and submit a pull request.