
[Newbie] Cannot alter extra_paths from neovim lspconfig setup

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Using jedi-vim I can do let g:jedi#added_sys_path = ['./lib', './src',] and enjoy completion with lookup in local modules.

For the love of God I cannot make it work with neovim, 0.7.2, 0.8, 0.9 in particular.

I am using nvim-lsp-installer to easy install the plugin, then nvim-lspconfig in particular.
Thus extending should happen in the setup, here is what I try:

settings = { ... }
root_dir = require("lspconfig/utils").root_pattern(".git") -- ensure root directory is found for proejcts

Added references:

I'm guessing that, in your setup function, you'll need to configure the initialization option under the init_options parameter.


"workspace": {
      "extraPaths": [],

For documentation about this option, see:

I tired

settings = {
  extraPaths = { "./lib" }

also per documentation analogue for pylsp.plugins.pycodestyle.ignore for jed.workspace.extraPaths

settings = {
  jedi = {  --also jed_language_server
    workspace = {
      extraPaths = { './lib'}

with no succes, I have no clue how to check value passing for those.

NOTE: I am aware tha I can just append to PYTHONPATH, but I am seeking the flexibility per configuration per project.

GREAT! 5 days of pain ended!

    on_attach = on_attach,
    flags = lsp_flags,
    root_dir = require("lspconfig/util").root_pattern(".git"),
    init_options = {
            workspace = {
                extraPaths = {'./lib'}
