
install on windows

Opened this issue · 2 comments

I have got such error after make step:
2015-01-29 11-39-19 c windows system32 cmd exe

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I've managed to enable build on windows creating msvc sln instead of creating makefile, using qmake
qmake -spec win32-msvc2013
qmake -tp vc -r

Still couple of problems,

  1. Need to modify string format of QUICK_TEST_SOURCE_DIR in vc project property to avoid compilation error
  2. Need to copy QT assemblies and Material.Extra modules into build directory

After applying those, I could run test harness successfully.
I've tried to add changes in qmake definition for above adjustment, but yet not able to succeed due to lacks of knowledge regarding qmake. Anyone can give insight would be appreciated.


Update : made it work.

Makefile generated by qmake seems not working correctly under msvc configuration. Install Qt-mingw along with mingw, then set qt environment via qtenv2.bat (5.4) under mingw target binary of Qt, try make again. If 'syntax error: unexpected end of file' still occurs, it is possible due to shell installation other than cmd such as cygwin - explicitly setting shell like

make SHELL=%ComSpec%

can be helpful.

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