
incorrectly closing html comments

danslo opened this issue · 5 comments

See the following example:


require "vendor/autoload.php";

use PHPHtmlParser\Dom;
use PHPHtmlParser\Options;

$options = new Options();

$dom = new Dom();

$dom->loadStr('<!--<div><img />-->');
echo $dom->__toString();

No DOM manipulation was done, just loading string and immediately printing it.

Output is:

<!--<div--><img />-->

Expected output is:

<!--<div><img />-->

I assume this has to do with the change in 3.1.1:

Comment tags are now self-closing when cleanup input is set to false.

But that does not seem like proper behavior to me.

I have come across this as well. Can confirm that the bug appeared in 3.1.1. Also, this issue looks like a duplicate of #258.

confirm this bug still exists, seem to happen when a "/" is inside a comment.

Please see the mentioned commit for a fix. Also the package is now available with additional tweaks on packagist.

As this repo hasn't seen activity in a while, and there seems to be a fix in @EreMaijala 's repo, I'm closing this issue.