
perf: github plugin that shows bundle size diff on every PR

transmissions11 opened this issue · 5 comments

self explanatory from title — would be nice to have exact numbers/percentages on how much each PR and the deps they add contribute to bundle size to avoid bloating the app

oo nice this looks great, @h0tw4t3r wanna PR it in?

oo nice this looks great, @h0tw4t3r wanna PR it in?

yeah, lemme take that.

eta 24h

@transmissions11, I've spent some time with implementing this, bundle-size-diff is not our choice since it's for webpack, and here we use rollup.

I've generated the bundle stats files with rollup-plugin-visualizer, but the format is different and bundle-size-diff can't eat it.

Which brings us back to the search of an action that builds a diff based on rollup-plugin-visualizer plugin.