
feat: partial tree export/import

tadeongmi opened this issue · 4 comments

Allow users to share the state of the agent, "tree import/export".

Use case
User A prompts several times to get to a state where the agent is fairly good at doing X type job.
User A shares the agent with their friend, User B.
User B uses the agent regularly to do X type job.
User B discovers a better state for the agent and shares it with User A.


i think the way this should work is you select a group of nodes and then can click some menu item (and/or use some keybind) and it computes all the edges needed for that group of nodes, and then bundles that w/ the selected nodes in a json file that the user can download and send to their friends to upload into their workspace

to upload there should just be a menu item and keybind you can use to open a modal that has a big json input and an "upload" button that just parses the nodes and plops them on the graph (ideally somewhere where they dont conflict with any other trees)

How about implementing something like Tree library (similar to Prompt library in TypingMind) where people can share useful trees.

This would require some backend. Would be nice to setup Hasura (with Posgres) and have GraphQL ready and Nest.js if we would need some custom logic.

What ya guys think?

I think down the line that could be a super useful feature, but too early to introduce a backend and marketplace just yet imo.

Currently working on this, feel free to assign me!