
Feature: Modify transaction request data

Closed this issue · 8 comments

The Request

The ability to modify transaction request data (fees, gas, calldata, etc) on the "Pending Request" screen.


As a user, when I send a transaction from a Dapp, the "Pending Request" screen pops up in Rivet, but from within that screen, there is no way to modify data such as: fees per gas, gas limit, calldata, sender/receiver addresses, etc.


As a user, from the "Pending Request" screen, I would like the ability to modify the:

  • sender/receiver address
  • max fee per gas/priority fee per gas
  • gas limit
  • nonce
  • value
  • calldata

hey, I would like to work on this.
either of these is doable but would like to which approach is preferred :)
I have two approaches in mind,

  • adding a small tiny edit icon button next to each of the data points, or
  • adding a hover and onClick state to the data points so that when it is clicked it can be edited like a regular component.

Think the first point would be good! Let's make sure there are no layout shifts when the text turns into an input field.

@achalvs – do you have any opinions with design here?

@jxom do i just go ahead with the edit button? to avoid text shifting we could do it as a popover?

@vishkrish200 – yep, we can do that for now. We may probably need a Popover component, akin to our current Tooltip component.

yep @jxom radix-ui already has a pretty nice popover component ready.

Can use this for now

hey @jxom @vishkrish200! i noticed there hasn't been much activity on this issue recently.

mind if i take a crack at it? if you're still working on it though, no worries.

jxom commented

@MimmyJau - go for it! Mind if I assign you to the issue?

@jxom yes please!