
Table/Matrix of Implementations and Version Support

paragonie-scott opened this issue ยท 5 comments

Table/Matrix of Implementations and Version Support
Language: PHP
Has vector tests: Yes
Passes Vector Tests: Yes
Working: Yes
Feature matrix:
V1 local
V1 public
V2 local
V2 public
Language: Python
Has vector tests: Yes
Passes Vector Tests: Yes
Working: Yes
Feature matrix:
V2 local
V2 public
Language: Swift
Has vector tests: Yes
Passes Vector Tests: Yes
Working: Yes
Feature matrix:
V1 local
V2 local
V2 public
Language: Rust
Has vector tests: Partial?
Passes Vector Tests: Unknown
Working: Unknown
Feature matrix:
V1 local
V1 public
V2 local
V2 public
Language: .NET
Has vector tests: Partial?
Passes Vector Tests: Unknown
Working: Unknown
Feature matrix:
V2 local
V2 public
Language: .NET
Has vector tests: Partial?
Passes Vector Tests: Unknown
Working: Unknown
Feature matrix:
V1 public
V2 public
(Serious work is being done to add XChaCha20-Poly1305 so it can support local:
Language: Javascript (Node.js)
Has vector tests: Yes
Passes Vector Tests: Unknown
Working: Yes
Feature matrix:
V1 local
V2 local
Language: Java
Has vector tests: Yes
Passes Vector Tests: Unknown
Working: Unknown
Feature matrix:
V2 public
Language: Golang
Has vector tests: Yes
Passes Vector Tests: Yes
Working: Unknown
Feature matrix:
V1 local
V1 public
V2 local
V2 public

Did some quick research on each implementation listed on the main paseto project readme. If I could find a set of vector tests roughly matching the ones in the ref implementation, I indicated Yes for "Has vector tests". If there are some tests at least vaguely verifying creation or parsing of a token, I put "Partial?".

If I noticed a link to a passing build in which the vector tests ran, I marked it as passing. Corrections are easy to make if I'm accidentally misrepresenting anything.

How do I apply for "Working: Yes"? ;p

@aidantwoods That's about all it takes ๐Ÿ˜„

I think I'm just going to drop all of this into a beautified JSON blob and then build a table out of it at runtime (with caching).