
Class \"ParagonIE\\Paseto\\Protocol\\Version4\ Not found

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It seems I can't find the Version4 class in a new installation via composer

That's odd. Did you run the php composer.phar install command first? If so, did it spit out an error message?

That's odd. Did you run the php composer.phar install command first? If so, did it spit out an error message?

I did install the package through composer require paragonie/paseto. After the installation I checked the path vendor\paragonie\paseto\src\Protocol I found only Version 1 and Version 2 in this directory

Did you install version 1 or version 2 of the library?

I didn't specify the version in the command line, it should get me latest version no ?

That depends on your configuration. If you don't have ext-gmp installed Composer will decide to get version 1.x instead of 2.x.