
Dynamic list does not build when user condition field starts with a number

mattes3 opened this issue · 5 comments

I tried to create a dynamic list with a criterion that looks like $.2q2m_status equals "signed_up".

When I use a field name that starts with a letter, it works. However when it starts with a number, I get this error message in the log:

worker_1        | [1713251832137] ERROR (8 on 4ef51fbf093f): queue:job:errored
worker_1        |     stacktrace: "Error: Parse error on line 1:\n$.2q2m_status\n---^\nExpecting 'DOT', 'DOT_DOT', '[', got 'IDENTIFIER'\n    at Parser.parseError (/usr/src/app/node_modules/jsonpath/generated/parser.js:166:15)\n    at Parser.parser.yy.parseError (/usr/src/app/node_modules/jsonpath/lib/parser.js:13:17)\n    at Parser.parse (/usr/src/app/node_modules/jsonpath/generated/parser.js:224:22)\n    at JSONPath.nodes (/usr/src/app/node_modules/jsonpath/lib/index.js:118:26)\n    at JSONPath.query (/usr/src/app/node_modules/jsonpath/lib/index.js:94:22)\n    at queryValue (/usr/src/app/build/rules/RuleHelpers.js:16:31)\n    at Object.check (/usr/src/app/build/rules/StringRule.js:7:53)\n    at check (/usr/src/app/build/rules/RuleEngine.js:45:40)\n    at predicate (/usr/src/app/build/rules/RuleService.js:39:38)\n    at Array.every (<anonymous>)\n    at checkRules (/usr/src/app/build/rules/RuleService.js:48:18)\n    at populateList (/usr/src/app/build/lists/ListService.js:258:57)\n    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)\n    at async handler (/usr/src/app/build/lists/ListPopulateJob.js:18:9)\n    at async Queue.dequeue (/usr/src/app/build/queue/Queue.js:59:9)\n    at async worker.bullmq_1.Worker.connection [as processFn] (/usr/src/app/build/queue/RedisQueueProvider.js:78:13)"
worker_1        |     job: {
worker_1        |       "name": "list_populate_job",
worker_1        |       "data": {
worker_1        |         "listId": 5,
worker_1        |         "projectId": 2
worker_1        |       },
worker_1        |       "options": {
worker_1        |         "delay": 0,
worker_1        |         "attempts": 3
worker_1        |       }
worker_1        |     }
worker_1        |     error: {}

Maybe you could change the code from $.2q2m_status to $['2q2m_status'] to make the error go away?

The place in the code seems to be here:

if (!path.startsWith('$.')) path = '$.' + path

Looks like there is an incongruity in how MySQL and JS can evaluate JSON paths. JS does not allow dot syntax paths to start with a number but MySQL does and the paths come from a MySQL generated query. Unfortunately it's going to be a fairly involved problem to solve for since there can be a ton of edge cases. For now, you don't have to use the provided options in the dropdowns, you can type your own path so I would recommend that approach and manually enter $['2q2m_status'] in the field until we can find an approach that doesn't break other functionality

Unfortunately, this workaround won't work. When I write $['2q2m_status'] then the if-statement in RuleHelpers.ts adds '$.' in front of it:

if (!path.startsWith('$.')) path = '$.' + path 

Since RuleHelper.ts does this, I thought it would be a good place to replace $.something by $['something'] which would be exactly equivalent in JsonPath language. Like so:

path = path.replace(/\$\.(.*?)\b/g, "$['$1']")

We ended up adding logic to detect keys that aren't valid JS syntax during the path suggestions generation and instead replace them with bracket syntax. You'll need to re-generate the suggestions (you can do this now with a button inside of the project settings page). We've also resolved not being able to manually enter that as well due to that line

Thanks a lot, it works like charm now.