
'java.lang.String com.activeandroid.TableInfo.getTableName()' on a null object reference

runat3 opened this issue · 4 comments

With this code, the problem persists.

    android:value="com.myapp.model.Item, com.myapp.model.Category" />

Then I found that by removing the space, it worked
like this

    android:value="com.myapp.model.Item,[No space here]com.myapp.model.Category" />

Hello. ActiveAndroid no longer be maintained. You can use ReActiveAndroid, it's based on ActiveAndroid.

Full Documentation.

try to disable instant run

try to disable instant run

Yes, It is working after disabling instant run. I also invalidated and restarted the android studio.
However, after reinstalling the APKit was again throwing the same error. Hence, I cleared the app data and after that, the app again started working.

try to disable instant run

That really helped. Thanks!