This is an extremely early proof of concept for using the metakernel in combination with py4j to make a simpler kernel for scala.
On python 3.5+
pip install .
To install the jupyter kernel install it using
python -m spylon_kernel install
The scala spark metakernl prodived a scala kernel by default. At the first scala cell that is run a spark session will be constructed so that a user can interact with the interpreter.
The launch arguments can be customized using the %%init_spark
magic as follows
launcher.jars = ["file://some/jar.jar"]
launcher.master = "local[4]"
launcher.conf.spark.executor.cores = 8
Since this makes use of metakernel you can evaluate normal python code using the %%python
magic. In addition once
the spark context has been created the spark
variable will be added to your python ernvironment.
df ="examples/src/main/resources/people.json")
To get completions for python, make sure that you have installed jedi
Spylon-kernel can be used as a magic in an existing ipykernel. This is the recommended solution when you want to write relatively small blocks of scala.
from spylon_kernel import register_ipython_magics
val x = 8
If you just want to send a string of scala code to the interpreter and evaluate it you can do that too.
from spylon_kernel import get_scala_interpreter
interp = get_scala_interpreter()
# Evaluate the result of a scala code block.
val x = 8