
RPG teste en console utilisant dialog, écrit en python (pythondialog) avec une base de donnée sqlite fonctionnelle. Sous WTFPL

Primary LanguagePython


RPG teste en console utilisant dialog, écrit en python (pythondialog) avec une base de donnée sqlite fonctionnelle. Sous WTFPL


Install dialog and python3. Clone the repository using git clone

Type, in a terminal, pip install --upgrade -r requirements.txt

Then, launch the game using python3 interface.py


I've lost my password. What can I do ?

You can delete the file ./databases/players.db to reset all players, but not their inventories. Or you can edit the database by hand.

I want to restart the game. Will my scores and inventory be saved ?


How to reset the game ?

Delete the folder ./databases

How can I delete my account ?

Delete you account in "préférences".

How can I help

Just do a pull request

I don't code.

Awww... Snap ! But, it's not a problem. If you find bugs, just fill an issue here : https://github.com/paris-ci/projet-isn/issues