
Suggestion - Display the link for an item in the tip proposal

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Hi All,


As shown in the above image, perhaps the full URL https://..../pull/9781 (paritytech/substrate#9781) might be a better option? It would certainly be easier for council members and on looking community members to access and view.

Will | Paradox

@paradox-tt Yeah we just need to make sure the URL will fit into the text.

There should be a couple of logical branches:

  • Figure out the maximum length allowed in a tip
  • Try to construct a text with the full URL
  • If it small enough, keep it
  • If not, try generated a smaller text like the one currently used

Do you think integrating something like this -> would help manage the length of the url?

Will be done in scope of opengov polkassembly description #62