Block Diagram
data_in => 8-bit Data input
rd => 1 if we want the data to be taken out and 0 otherwise
wr => 1 if we want to push data into the FIFO and 0 otherwise
rst => Active low signal ---> 0 if we want to clear the FIFO and 1 otherwise
clk => clock signal
data_out => 8-bit Data output
full => 1 is the output if the FIFO is full and 0 otherwise
empty => 1 is the output if the FIFO is empty and 0 otherwise
overflow => 1 is the output if FIFO is full and still the data is being written ( means wr is set to 1 and data_in is set with some input ) and 0 otherwise
underflow => 1 is the output if FIFO is empty and still the data is being popped ( means rd is set to 1 ) and 0 otherwise
Timing Digrams
Write (push) opertion ===> filling the entire FIFO ( 0ns - 285ns )
Read (pop) opertion ===> Taking first 20 data out of FIFO ( 305ns - 495ns )