
Learing GO, docker , kubernetes

Primary LanguageGo


Learing GO, docker , kubernetes

Start the project :

- By clonning and running commond inside the rh_project Directory:

go run startServer/main.go

Open LocalHost port 5000 or 5001

- By build container through Docker Image.

Run Docker Daemon

systemctl start docker 

Pull docker container

docker pull partharora1010/my-golang-app:v1.0.0
  • Running in non detached mode
sudo docker run -p 5000:5000 -it --rm --name my-runing-app partharora1010/my-golang-app:v1.0.0

Open LocalHost port 5000 or 5001

  • Running in the detached mode
docker run -p 5000:5000 -tid  partharora1010/my-golang-app:v1.0.0 

Open LocalHost port 5000 or 5001

- By build application through Kubernetes cluster.

kubectl apply -f rhminkube-config.yaml 
kubectl port-forward {pod-name} 5000:5000

Open LocalHost port 5000 or 5001