Simulator for new bot.
Sensors added and the topics they publish to:
- Camera : /eklavya/image_raw
- Lidar : /eklavya/laser/scan
- IMU : /eklavya/imu
- GPS : /eklavya/gps/fix
Files where respective sensor topics are defined:
- Camera : eklavya5_description/robot/chasisss.urdf.xacro
- Lidar: eklavya5_description/robot/chasisss.urdf.xacro
- IMU : eklavya5_description/sensors/imusensor_gazebo.urdf.xacro
- GPS : eklavya5_description/sensors/hector_gps_gazebo.urdf.xacro
Note: Plugin for GPS is a custom plugin, hence the package "eklavya5_gazebo_plugins" has to be built for the GPS to work.
The simulator is launch by:
roslaunch eklavya5_gazebo eklavya_igvc_final.launch