
Interpolation in Parthenon

pgrete opened this issue ยท 4 comments

New day, new question ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

I happily derived tracers for AthenaPK from @AstroBarker implementations in Phoebus (note this is the first non-default "package" in AthenaPK) and I'm now wondering what to do about interpolation.
I saw that the ones in Phoebus carry a line of dependencies: singularity-eos -> spiner -> ports-of-call

Are the any plans to upstream (some simplified versions) or would that not be a good idea, @brryan @Yurlungur ?
If I followed the details correctly, a minimum version would not require that much code additional code in comparison to what's already in Phoebus.

Glad to hear it was useful :) Regarding whether or not it is the right move to upstream, I defer to others, but I think it should be straightforward to do. The phoebus tracer interpolation is just tri/bi/linear interpolation here. The only thing used from spiner in this particular case is the weights_t struct.

As @AstroBarker said, we don't really use singularity-eos in the interpolation routines. I'd be remiss to depend on singularity in parthenon as it's physics and might interfere with our open source permissions on the LANL end. Regarding the rest of the dependency chain:

  • spiner is a tiny table interpolation library I wrote. It re-implements something similar to our ParArrayNDs but tied to interpolation routines as well. We use it for tabulated data in singularity as well as phoebus. In the tracer machinery, we pulled some of the routines from it for convenience.
  • ports-of-call was originally, for historical and political reasons, a tool for "turning off" Kokkos and instead doing our own serial or Cuda routines. It can still do that, but it has grown a bit to provide, for example, error handling routines very similar to the ones in Parthenon.

I'd be happy to upstream our interpolation tooling. There's two paths to that:

  1. Just duplicate the relevant spiner things. This is simple, no new dependencies. But if we pull in more of spiner over time, we might eventually end up duplicating the whole library.
  2. Depending on spiner. We use submodules for that dependency chain in Phoebus, and parthenon could support the same. And spiner is very lightweight. That said, it would be an additional dependency.

I now put everything into one file, see and also "reused" the robust pieces (which is a cool idea!).

In general, I think that this kind of functionality would be great to be available from within Parthenon either directly (i.e., moving the merged file upstream) or as an (optional) submodule.
For the latter, my only wish is that there are no deeper nested dependencies (like ports-of-call) in order to keep things simple.

In general, I think that this kind of functionality would be great to be available from within Parthenon either directly (i.e., moving the merged file upstream) or as an (optional) submodule.

I'm super in favor of this being upstreamed. Since you already have it ported over for athenapk do you want to just submit a PR? I can also find some time to do that if you prefer.