v0.8.0 and v0.8.1 won't build
Closed this issue · 3 comments
mcgouganp commented
When building from scratch using a Cartfile of:
github "particle-iot/particle-sdk-ios" ~> 0.8.1
github "particle-iot/particle-setup-ios" ~> 0.9.0
results in:
$ carthage update
*** Fetching particle-sdk-ios
*** Fetching particle-setup-ios
*** Fetching AFNetworking
*** Fetching onepassword-extension
Parse error: expected submodule commit SHA in output of task (ls-tree -z HEAD Carthage/Checkouts/AFNetworking) but encountered:
Research indicates that this means that the .gitmodules of particle-sdk-ios is possibly incorrect.
mcgouganp commented
Still happens with just a Cartfile of:
github "particle-iot/particle-sdk-ios" ~> 0.8.1
and running the recommended command (doh! RTFM):
$ carthage update --platform iOS --use-submodules --no-use-binaries
*** Fetching particle-sdk-ios
*** Fetching AFNetworking
Parse error: expected submodule commit SHA in output of task (ls-tree -z HEAD Carthage/Checkouts/AFNetworking) but encountered:
mcgouganp commented
Interestingly the issue appeared to be with my local .gitmodules not the one in the repository.
Deleted it and committed the deletion to local git and problem was fixed.
Apologies for the noise.
RaimundasSakalauskas commented
Submodules give me hard time too. If anyone else experience the issue, please let me know, I will do a realease with no submodule specs (for me this has higher success chance).