
masters HA

pierreozoux opened this issue · 2 comments

I checked quickly,. I saw you have an entry in the doc, but I'm not sure it is in place.

Currently, if I put 3 masters in my master host list, will I get 3 masters well configured in HA?

And then I guess, as you use AWS or OpenStack, you let your provider handle the LB for you? Is it correct?

Thnaks for your help :)

@pierreozoux Thanks for the feedback, the support for OpenStack and AWS has not been well maintained as we are focused on bare metal deployment and are mostly working on AWS/OpenStack with managed solution.

contrib folder has not been kept up to date for a while so AWS/OpenStack TF files should be working but there is no extensive kubeadm config that is don

To answer your question, yes for the HA part. LB is handled for the control plane on AWS and OpenStack but Load Balancer support for workload in AWS and OpenStack is not fully supported as they have moved into different project that are not part of this repo and have moved to external cloud provider:

Actually, Im looking at deploying on hetzner.

I was looking at that actually

Thanks for the answer!