
Google Identity Services

jgy3183 opened this issue · 4 comments

Was just curious if its in your pipeline to implement Google Authentication/Sign in using their new identity services. I received an email announcing the deprecation of the current (legacy) Google Sign-In library. Quote from the email:

"One or more of your web applications uses the legacy Google Sign-In JavaScript library. Please migrate your project(s) to the new Google Identity Services SDK before March 31, 2023."

Hey, maybe, do you have a link with more details about that service? If I have the time I can do it.

hey Lucas - so sorry for the delay in response (I didn't see an email notification with your answer). Pasting a link below describing it - I could be off base - but figured Id share! Thanks!

Oh no! This is terrible news. I was so happy to FINALLY find a basic simple google sign in example, one that actually WORKS, after days of searching.
Now it looks like I might have to do some more searching. 😣
I really hope you get around to updating this.

According to that blog post, you're supposed to start using the 'Sign In With Google' client library by March 31, 2023. It says it's for web /and/ android apps, but the github repo only has android and ios examples. Booooooo.