
User-friendliness when inputting illegal analysis options

addaddgo opened this issue · 5 comments

If the options for an analysis is blank on tai-e-analyses.yml, the ObjectMapper will set the Analysis.config.options as Collections$EmptyMap. see Planconfig.parseConfig

I set options by CLI argument which overwrite the Analyssi.config.options managed by ConfigManager. see ConfigManager.overwriteOptions
But the options is an Collections$EmptyMap which is fixed-size. Calling putAll on it throws UsuprotedOperationException.

        List<AnalysisConfig> analysisConfigs = AnalysisConfig.parseConfigs(content); // EmptyMap
        ConfigManager manager = new ConfigManager(analysisConfigs); 
        AnalysisPlanner planner = new AnalysisPlanner(
                manager, options.getKeepResult());
        boolean reachableScope = options.getScope().equals(Scope.REACHABLE);
        if (!options.getAnalyses().isEmpty()) {
            // Analyses are specified by options
            List<PlanConfig> planConfigs = PlanConfig.readConfigs(options);
            manager.overwriteOptions(planConfigs); // overwrite

Maybe my java version (jdk 17) is not right, or maybe it's a bug.

Could you provide the following information?

  • Tai-e arguments (the arguments you set up that caused this bug)
  • Runtime environment infomation (Provide your OS, IDE, and version/commit of Tai-e)

in tai-e-analyses.yml:

- description: the API collected from android.jar
  analysisClass: qingren.extractor.APIExtractor
  id: api-extractor

Tai-e arguments

-acp ...../android.jar -scope ALL -a "api-extractor=outPath:xxxxx"

I didn't set the main class. I think it is irrelevant to this problem.


Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException
	at java.base/java.util.AbstractMap.put(
	at java.base/java.util.AbstractMap.putAll(
	at pascal.taie.config.AnalysisOptions.update(
	at pascal.taie.config.ConfigManager.lambda$overwriteOptions$0(
	at java.base/java.lang.Iterable.forEach(
	at pascal.taie.config.ConfigManager.overwriteOptions(
	at pascal.taie.Main.processConfigs(
	at pascal.taie.Main.lambda$main$0(
	at pascal.taie.util.Timer.lambda$runAndCount$0(
	at pascal.taie.util.Timer.runAndCount(
	at pascal.taie.util.Timer.runAndCount(
	at pascal.taie.util.Timer.runAndCount(
	at pascal.taie.Main.main(

If the options in tai-e-analyses is set, AbstarctMap shoulds be LinkedHashMap, if not, then it should be EmptyMap.

I think this is caused by the use of EmptyMap in the fastxml library to fill in the missing AnalysisCOnfig.options. Have to fill in options in plan.yml?

Runtime Environment:
OS: Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS
IDE: IntelliJ IDEA 2022.2.2
commit: efbf256

Thanks, we will fix it.

Before that, we suggest you change

- description: the API collected from android.jar
  analysisClass: qingren.extractor.APIExtractor
  id: api-extractor


- description: the API collected from android.jar
  analysisClass: qingren.extractor.APIExtractor
  id: api-extractor
    outPath: null

Nice, is worked, thank you.

Updated in 64ee605.