
Handling connection error to beanstalk

Firzenizer opened this issue · 4 comments

This is part of my code and it seems to raise an error when I try to run it when Beanstalk is not running.

var bs = require('nodestalker'),
        client = bs.Client(beanstalkdHost),
        tube = 'my-tube'; (data) {
    // DO STUFF


throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event
Error: connect ECONNREFUSED
at exports._errnoException (util.js:746:11)
at TCPConnectWrap.afterConnect as oncomplete

What I'd like to do is catch this error and retry in 5 seconds to connect and see if Beanstalk is responding. Right now I can't come up with a way to catch this error. And how can I see, if client is connected?

Hmm, without having tried it out, I'd do an init function with a try catch or an error handler if async, and if the error is ECONNREFUSED do a setInterval that call the init again?

This is already in a try-catch. I also had a init function to call inside interval, but it's no use if I can't catch the error. I have tried adding try-catches all over the code. It just won't catch anything.

I guess it is one of nodestalker's dependencies that throw this error.

Been a while since I looked at this code.

Okay, the key is in this line:

The error gets re-emitted on the client object. All you will need to do is a client.on('error', function () {}); in order to catch it. If not handled, the error will bubble.

Oh. I totally missed it. I was browsing the source for hours. This totally saved my work day. Thanks!