
able to run FetchPickAndPlace-v1 ?

MrDadaGuy opened this issue · 2 comments

Trying to get some of the Openai gym Robotics environments working. I've added the appropriate imports so it pulls in FetchPickAndPlace-v1 but the script fails on this line

obs_dim = env.observation_space.shape[0]

I've had a look and shape is None -- although observation_space looks like this:

Dict(achieved_goal:Box(3,), desired_goal:Box(3,), observation:Box(25,))

any ideas how I could modify the code to get past this?


I've hacked basic support for OpenAI Gym Robotics in my fork...

I'm running FetchPickAndPlace-v1 now

I've migrated the repo over to PyBullet (and TensorFlow2). I don't have a MuJoCo license any more, so am unable to test test FetchPickAndPlace-v1. I fixed some things related to the way action and observation shapes were handled. Hopefully this resolves the problem with that env.