
Should `tag_names` be assignable on new?

kenips opened this issue · 11 comments

The current validation requires tagging to have a valid belongs_to taggable. This seems to prevent assigning tag_names on new object, which is allowed by other libraries such as acts-as-taggable-on. Just wondering if this will be supported soon?

pat commented

Hmm, hadn't thought of that approach. You're right that it definitely doesn't work with the current code... I'm not quite sure how to restructure things so it does, but I'm certainly open to that. Pull requests are welcome, but I'll leave this issue open so that if I have the time and a touch of inspiration I'll have a go.

pat commented

This change is now published in 0.3.0. Thanks for logging the issue :)

Thank you very much! Interesting take actually - I thought you'd just be setting the taggable_id on create!

So @pat with

attr_writer :tag_names
I guess tag_names= is a class method?

pat commented

Nope, that's getting evaluated within the class context (attar_writer is a class method) but it's creating the instance method tag_names=. Are you finding that's not the case?

Right, of course! No I was just trying to override tag_names= in my class (after calling has_many_tags. I guess in this case I need to alias not super. Just wasn't thinking straight.

pat commented

Ah right - yup, because the method doesn't exist in any ancestor of the model, there's no super definition. Aliasing is definitely the way to go (which is a shame, super is far nicer).

pat commented

... and now I'm thinking about ways to change the code so method inheritance is possible. Hmm.

Haha :). Yep especially when you peek into ancestors and the modules are there. Would be interested to know your process in converting it so!

pat commented

In the end it was pretty easy - see f20b762.

ha! yes. thanks for everything.