
Making Ankisync compatible with the new Anki database

patarapolw opened this issue · 4 comments

Does anyone know how to get over unicase collation?

sqlite3.OperationalError: no such collation sequence: unicase

It seems to be based on Rust SQLite.


Solved with .where(Model.col_name.collate("NOCASE") == "xxx") (or "BINARY")

I'm not familiar with this project, but just ran into the same issue on my own project and found this issue. I solved the issue by registering a new collation named unicase after opening my sqlite connection. Unicase is a complex beast that replaces out unicode characters so that strings like Maße and MASSE are considered equal in the database.

I'm not sure I've reproduced it exactly, but I ended up with (updated)

from unidecode import unidecode

def unicase_compare(x, y):
    x_ = unidecode(x).lower()
    y_ = unidecode(y).lower()
    return 1 if x_ > y_ else -1 if x_ < y_ else 0

connection.create_collation("unicase", unicase_compare)

here's the rust library for the actual unicase collation

woops, the example collation is busted. Didn't realize it was supposed to return 1, 0, -1

updated the above comment with a version that appears to work