
Angular directives let you create html tags or attributes on existing tags.

This project demonstrates to how to create 2 very simple markup 'tags' - directiveone and directivetwo.
Objects are passed from the parent controller scope to the directives, maintaining two way databinding.

And just to make the example more fun(!) I've complicated the code by using $compile to make dynamic views from a controller scope variable, soooooo much fun!


  1. npm install
  2. npm start
  4. change input values and be amazed!

Ok, how it works -

In public/index.html, three inlined templates are declared

viewTemplate.html - the main angular template used by ng-view. A contrived example that dynamically generates the view from a $scope variable named templateStr.
directive_one.html - templates used by a directive separating the models and the view

The controller 'Ctrl' creates three scoped objects

obj - sample object for two way databinding
parentTest - simple string used for two way databinding
templateSrc - string containing angular html/markup dynamiclly 'compiled' and injected into the main view template

app.sampleInputDirective(src) defines the directive configuration used by the two sample directives

if the src string passed in ends in .html, this function assumes that src is a template id, if it does not then its assumed to be markup to be uesd as the template.

two app.directves are defined

calls sampleInputDirective linking the directive to the template.

And thats it, simple stuff.



  1. directive names must be lowercase, no camel case names, took me forever to figure this out.
  2. directive scope objects MUST be true ;) heh '=' for databinding, '@' for passing the string value of the attribute, '&' for evaluating the attribute as a function.
  3. the compile directive example is here just to make this example confusing, and to show how to use compile ;)