Please add a CHANGELOG
frederikhors opened this issue · 5 comments
I think we need a CHANGELOG:
I'll try, thank you.
Just to leave you some thoughts @pateketrueke
I use standard-version quite a lot in my day job + my personal projects at home. It's great, but for projects like this one that started off without a specific commit style in mind, it's going to be messy, especially because the documentation for standard-version (and to some degree conventional changelog in general) doesn't explain certain things, like how to switch presets using a .versionrc
The default for the conventional changelog I believe is the Conventional Commits, however it has support for a few other commit styles as well (Atom + Angular are the two that I remember off the top of my head).
It's a great tool, and really I recommend it, I'm just giving you a warning up front that getting it started might be a real pain, and that you might have to choose a preset (or make your own) that will change how commits look for you going forward.
I personally enjoy a modified version of the Angular Commit style or the Emoji Commit style (note: emoji is not a preset given by the conventional-changelog team, it is third party), but really whatever you choose should probably be documented in your contribution guide.
As it's been awhile, I'll note that I can take this up @pateketrueke, but I feel that you should determine what preset you would like to use. Many of your commits seem to be in the Angular/Conventional commits style, so if we're okay with that I'm more than willing to undertake this bit of work.
Quick Preview of a standard-version generated changelog for the git commit history for all versions(some are empty due to the commits not following the guidelines)
# Changelog
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See [standard-version]( for commit guidelines.
### [0.0.37]( (2020-11-16)
### [0.0.35]( (2020-11-13)
### [0.0.34]( (2020-11-13)
### Bug Fixes
* skip :headless ([1e4d0eb](
* wait 1sec before check ([a6479cf](
### [0.0.33]( (2020-09-24)
### Bug Fixes
* clean ./build before test ([60fc680](
* dev, test and build ready; lock deps ([1dfe683](
* disable DEBUG on dist, include src/ files ([eea9b5a](
* enable DEBUG for whole testing ([64a21cf](
* import from ./src during development ([6616e98](
* print fallback branch when missing DEBUG ([d34b6ab](
* remove cache too ([a438b4e](
* right setup for DEBUG mode ([7f247fd](
* split sub tasks ([7fca020](
### [0.0.32]( (2020-09-23)
### Bug Fixes
* package built files, not sources ([610f016](
### [0.0.31]( (2020-09-23)
### [0.0.30]( (2020-04-11)
### [0.0.29]( (2020-04-10)
### [0.0.28]( (2020-04-10)
### [0.0.27]( (2020-03-25)
### [0.0.26]( (2020-03-15)
### [0.0.25]( (2020-03-06)
### [0.0.24]( (2020-02-29)
### [0.0.23]( (2020-02-29)
### [0.0.22]( (2020-02-29)
### [0.0.21]( (2020-02-29)
### [0.0.20]( (2020-02-29)
### [0.0.19]( (2020-02-20)
### [0.0.18]( (2020-01-25)
### [0.0.17]( (2020-01-20)
### [0.0.16]( (2019-12-14)
### [0.0.15]( (2019-12-07)
### [0.0.14]( (2019-11-19)
### [0.0.13]( (2019-11-16)
### [0.0.12]( (2019-11-08)
### [0.0.10]( (2019-11-04)
### [0.0.9]( (2019-11-01)
### [0.0.8]( (2019-10-28)
### [0.0.7]( (2019-10-26)
### [0.0.6]( (2019-10-18)
### [0.0.5]( (2019-10-18)
### [0.0.4]( (2019-10-18)
### [0.0.3]( (2019-10-17)
### [0.0.2]( (2019-10-17)
### [0.0.37]( (2020-11-16)
I think it'll be fine, as long we start to using a CHANGELOG it'll force us to write better commits, thank you!