Request: manual scanning for CheeseGrater
Closed this issue · 6 comments
Hi there!
I just got your Granular plugin and played a bit with CheeseGrater.
Although I like it, I am a bit unhappy that it doesn't do what I thought it would do, and I hope you might be open to some suggestions to make it more powerful, maybe in a 2.0 or mkII version or something.
I would like to be able to scan the sample manually with a knob or CV, which I thought the "grain depth" knob was for... but CheeseGrater always just scans the sample at original speed.
I think it would be super nice if it had a control for scanning speed, with 0 in the middle position freezing the current position, and a modulation input that responds directly to relative position.
Since many people have asked for a granular sampler like that and you seem to be pretty close to it with this one, I hope that you might be motivated to move a bit further with it. :) (Optional swag points for adding a graphic that shows the sample position a la Morphagene.)
Thank you so much for purchasing my plugin!
Your idea sounds cool. Have you played around with Sifter? The Buffer Length and Buffer Start I think do what you are asking for. If you put a sample into it and lower the buffer length you can then use the buffer start to scan the sample. It also has a freeze feature.
I'd love to hear if that is what you are looking for. Maybe Sifter is enough for what you want? If not, I'd love to hear more about what that is lacking.
Yes in Sifter it works how I want it with the buffer size, position and playback speed.
It also seems to sound much smoother.. less clicks and easier control of the grain cloud.
But now this one doesn't have pitch control and the recording of the buffer is more comfortable for me to do manually, like in CheeseGrater.
A combination of those two might be pretty perfect.
I like the 5 easy controls at the bottom of Sifter, and they seem to work nice to create a smooth grain sound, so my basic layout of choice would probably be to have it based on those controls, but with manual recording of the buffer and pitch control.
More controls over grain shape, number, distribution and random pitch might be nice... but in CheeseGrater those sometimes seem to react a bit strange to me, and there's lots of clicking, which seems to be much better in Sifter - so maybe that simpler model would be better, especially when modulating those controls with CV.
I'll have to check again how exactly a Morphagene does it, but I think with those 5 controls plus pitch control and CV and a single stereo input with manual buffer recording this could be it - the often requested and longed for "Morphagene in Rack" - or at least what I would wish for in such a device.
In the most ideal case there might be some basic position of those knobs that would make it react like a normal sampler, allowing to go from simple sample playback into grain cloud and back. Don't know if that would be technically possible or reaonable though.
PS: I confused Morphagene with Arbhar... Morphagene seems more like Simpliciter, Arbhar is the granular thing with the scan graphic., and then there's also Nebulae, which comes really close to what your modules do and also has been wished for in the forum - doesn't matter, extra features vary, but I think a plain, universal solution for granular sampling like I suggested would be the nicest anyway.
For the clicking, i actually found a bug with Cheese Grater that will cause clicking whenever the Consistency is greater than 0. A fix for that is coming soon. I submitted 2.0.1 to the library.
Thank You! Now I really like the sound of CheeseGrater!
Could you maybe just add the playback speed and buffer start controls to CheeseGrater then? Maybe just make the "Spread Rate" and "Slices of Toast" knobs in the smaller size and put in a third row at the bottom for those 2 extra controls? That would be really cool!
2 more things I found: The "Spread Strength" knob could have a much bigger range to move into real chaos (maybe like 1 octave up and down), and in Sifter it seems to me that the feedback delay isn't doing anything.
Version 2.4.0 now has an expander for CheeseGrater that has this functionality. Enjoy!