Specifying outline breaks output
phragment opened this issue · 4 comments
When specifying outline together with back and drill the resulting back.ngc is empty aside from the pre- and postamble.
Is your outline file a polygon or a closed chain of lines? Are you using the --fill-outline option?
I did the outline in kicad with "add a graphic line or polygon". I drew a closed square, so I believe it is a polygon.
I didn't specify --fill-outline.
Just tried it with --fill-outline and --outline-width=1, which worked.
(Specifying only --fill-outline without --outline-width crashed pcb2gcode.)
I assume this isn't a bug, but my fault?
If in KiCad you write a graphic line, in the gerber file it is exported as a single line
When pcb2gcode try to find where your pcb is, it finds only a line with a width of --outline-width with a big hole inside. Without --fill-outline the internal part isn't filled and the result is an empty file
In my opinion, --fill-outline should be set as the default option, but this wouldn't be backward-compatible
Yes, it is your fault (but don't worry, I've made this mistake too ;-) )
If you specify --fill-outline but not --outline-width it should print an error message, it shouldn't crash. This is a bug, I'll work on it
Thanks for your bug report btw