
ReferenceError: d3 is not defined

fr0z3nfyr opened this issue · 3 comments

Using d3.v3.min.js

Get error when include your js file. (See Firebug snapshot for details)

ReferenceError: d3 is not defined
d3.contextMenu = function (menu, openCallback) {

It is quite a strange error because d3 does exist, though contextMenu is undefined for d3. I fixed it by simply changing d3.contextMenu = function (menu, openCallback) {...} to var contextMenu = function (menu, openCallback) {..} and then accordingly calling .on('contextmenu', contextMenu(menu)); on my node.enter().

Hi fr0z3nfyr,

Thanks for the report. Are you including the d3-context-menu.js after d3.js? I tried out the example in the examples folder and I didn't get an error. Ex:

<script src="//"></script>
<script src="../js/d3-context-menu.js"></script>

If you are, which exact version of d3 are you using?

Thanks for this awesome plugin and a super fast response.

Interestingly enough, I'm unable to reproduce the error too... FYI - I always had D3.js included before d3-context-menu.js. You can close the issue for now, I will reopen with steps to reproduce if I encounter this again. I'm using

By the way, can you include examples to add/edit/delete nodes to already initialized D3 in real-time using this context menu? I mean, the exact functions that can do these actions to include in "action". For example, I'm trying to extend to add/edit/delete nodes after the tree is populated. For reference I'm using to achieve this but I'm unable to do it. :(

Sounds good, I'll close this issue then.

I put together a quick example of how to delete a node using the tree code you gave:

Adding and editing should be pretty similar. Hope this helps.