
[ PLS HELP ] want to change the header text , but in bash.bashrc file there is no written text

theavezkhatri opened this issue · 1 comments

Actually , i had added a header text a time ago , Most probably with figlet !! (Bcause It Is Installed Now)
and now when i want to change the text ..
i open the bash.bashrc file but at the END there is no text added , and if i add the new one, terminal displays both,,
so can anyone tell me that how to remove the first one pls...


Screenshot from 2021-03-02 12-44-01

This doesn't seem like a figlet.js issue. Have you tried grep-ing your directory tree for part of the text in Mr.Cipher to see where it's coming from? Ex:

grep -R "___(_"

Or if the text is being generated on the fly:

grep -Ri "Cipher"