
Typings in VS Code

Closed this issue · 4 comments

riddla commented

Can you give me any hint, why the Typings in VS Code might not show up?

Using const { $jsonApi } = useNuxtApp() the IDE thinks that const $jsonApi: unknown.

Thanks a a lot for your great plugin :)

@riddla unfortunately I don't. When I open the repo in VSCode I get the correct typing.

Screen Shot 2023-05-24 at 3 57 14 PM

Do you have the Volar and TypeScript Vue Plugin (Volar) extensions installed and setup?

Is there a repo with the issue you can share?

riddla commented

@patrickcate, never mind – I found out that the project in question currently has no typings at all via useNuxtApp. So there must be another problem.

(I'll keep you posted when I find the underlying issue.)

Did you ever figure out why the project has no typings? I'm running into the same issue (though I'm using Webstorm), and would love to have the proper types exposed to work with!

I opened a new issue about this, since it still seems to be relevant, along with a workaround that I'm using for now.