
Add support for "--include" and "--exclude"

patrickdappollonio opened this issue · 0 comments

Now that --include-kind and --include-name and their --exclude-* counterparts are in, as well as supporting globs on either of them, I should add:

  • --include: to include any resource based on the format ${kind}/${name}
  • --exclude: to do the opposite

That way, you can do any of these queries:

kubectl-slice --include "deployment/*"
kubectl-slice --exclude "configmap/tekton-*"
kubectl-slice --include "deployments/*"

As a thing to note, it will always be ${kind}/${name}, and still TBD whether I parse ${kind} by itself, then ${name} or we treat the string as a whole. With the first case, this wouldn't be possible:

--include "deployment*" 

It will fail because there is no / separator. It will probably be better, because otherwise the example right above could capture, say, a CRD named DeploymentConfig (since the wildcard doesn't include an "end-of-word")