
it is not possible to evaluate a query with only meta data restrictions without weighting

patrickfrey opened this issue · 3 comments

If you issue an empty query, you get an empty result. This is logically correct.
But sometimes it is wished to inspect a subset of the collection only defined by meta data restrictions or negative feature restrictions. This is not implemented yet.

For example inspect all documents inserted today.

Maybe this should be defined as different use case. It could be possible to browse through documents in a range of keys and to take this as primary key to find the selected documents. Something like Query::defineSelectionFeatureRange using something like StorageClient::createTermRangePostingIterator(..)

If you have many of these criteria, you can merge them

There exists a method for creating a posting iterator based on a restriction for this purpose:
PostingIteratorInterface* StorageClientInterface::createBrowsePostingIterator(
const MetaDataRestrictionInterface* restriction,
const Index& maxpos) const;