
File Conversion Failed

Closed this issue · 2 comments

I don't know how to solve this error, does anyone have any idea how to solve it?

Thank you

[11:53:57] Monitoring C:\Users\renato\Documents\iRacing\telemetry for telemetry

[11:53:57] Processing C:\Users\renato\Documents\iRacing\telemetry\porsche911rgt3_roadatlanta full 2021-09-20 19-36-40.ibt

[11:53:57] ... Importing iRacing Telemetry

[11:53:57] ... Exporting MoTeC

[11:53:57] ... Exporting stint 1

[11:53:57] [Error] boost::filesystem::last_write_time: El sistema no puede encontrar el archivo especificado: "C:\Users\renato\Documents\iRacing\telemetry\porsche911rgt3_roadatlanta full 2021-09-20 19-36-40_Stint_1.ldx"

I have never seen this issue before. It's complaining that the ldx file doesn't exist, but that should have been created during the export. Do you have an antivirus program running that quarantined the file?

Thanks Patrickmoore for your time, you were right, and it was Microsoft Defender that brought problems, it seemed strange to me because I have 2 more computers with windos 10 and the same antivirus and I had no problems.

Thank you very much for the extraordinary program and your response to solve my problem, kind regards